Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm feeling alot of gan chu now after watching A Beautiful Mind in Abnormal Psych lecture..

Now I've a new perception of schizophrenic patients.
Even for very rational and mature people,
when they're bugged by the unpredictable mental illness,
they require a huge amount of emotional and social support from friends and loved ones
in identifying those hidden and unrecognised problems and seeking professional help for them.

Just imagine one day, you see this woman talking to herself or to an obvious imagination,
what will pop up in your mind?
I had encountered this at one of the nearby community centres many times,
and although I'm a prospective psychologist, I implicitly still feel disgusted at their actions,
despite the fact that I pity them.
This is one thing I'm guilty of for a long long time,
and I'm putting in conscious effort to adjust my mentality in pursuit of my ambition.

Actually, this group of people are not scary if you are able to see from their point of view.
A Beautiful Mind has portrayed this different point of view very well and
has totally overwhelmed me; won over my heart to be determined to sincerely help them.
People with uncontrollable mental illnesses or disorders
need a humongous deal of courage and commitment to overcome their psychological problems.

John Nash in the movie, has 3 imaginary characters in his world
who are affecting his life tremendously, and making him believe in something unrealistic very strongly.
The symptoms have been undiscovered and unattended to for a long long time,
therefore the severity of John's conditions was extremely bad when discovered.
I could tell that it shook John's world when his wife, Alicia,
told him about the truth that he was mentally sick.

A scene that made me wanna tear was the process of insulin shock therapy.
It certainly looked very painful with electric current going through your entire body
even though you are unconscious.
Having been discharged from the psychiatic hospital,
John had to independently deal with humiliation and stress,
from both people of his imagination and especially in reality
who had alrd stigmatised him.
Just trying putting yourself in his shoes:
You have to FORCE yourself to avoid or deny something/someone
who have played crucial roles in your life because THEY ARE NOT REAL..
Just imagine what if your boyfriend is imaginary and you've loved him deeply for a long long time..
Just imagine your best friend who had gone through so many shit tgt with you does not actually exist.
It's undescribable..You won't even experience it ever in your life..
But who will help these people? I am willing to put in my all to help them.
Because, their conditions implicate a lot of many other people who are actually mentally sane.
I can empathise with those affected family members and loved ones,
I've experienced the pain of seeing ppl so close to me suffering from mental illnesses..

Message to Leonard:
I've got such genes in my body, which means higher vulnerability to mental conditions.
Ofkox, having had studied Psychology, I know of ways to lower risks.
However, if the amount of stress of any of my life events exceed that of my ability to control myself,
Leonard I need your help, your emotional and physical support..
I know i can count on my family members too.
But now my family members need me to excel in life more,
I need to be VERY strong..



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