Monday, February 2, 2009

blank..slightly stressed..

haven't been blogging for quite a few days..

new year was alright..not like usual..cuz spent most of it with leo as chu 1 clashes with our 9th month anniversary..xD..enjoyed those 2 days with quite alot of angpaos, but also spent quite alot of it on our 9th month anniversary present..truly enjoyed baby also spent quite alot of his first led to us having to spend a budget weekend at ridgewood, balling, eating the super super yummy prawns tt doug caught, pooling with doug and laoda and watching tv at leo's place..din't really do much but this weekend is still as enjoyable..embracing simplicity occasionallly is meaningful and precious actually..escapade from the rapid-paced and wallet-draining lifestyle now..striking a balance in life feels great but it's not ez..

work is getting a little less's my first time doing overtime today..OT pay is like abt 10bucks per hour, so why not..shifted my tuition to tmr as i wanted to slp early today..also plan to prepare my own lunch for tmr tonight..don't really enjoy lunch from my co.'s inhouse canteen tho it's cheap and the vendors are generous..quite afraid of eatin food from there cuz had abt a few days of diarrhoea after eating there during the first week of i also learnt smth new at work..i learnt to make purchase orders LIVE..means tt any mistake would cause tricky problems for even the boss to solve..i'm like slowly getting use of working life, tho this morning i nearly pon-ed work..but was drawn out of bed by the strong desire to earn as much money as possible for this week to make up for the income loss during the cny..i'm also starting to decorate my own table in the office, trying to make it more homely so tt i won't dread gng to work still looks very empty now tho..except tt there's this cute pencil holder which jiayi, my fellow 17janner, gave me for bday a couple of years ago..miss close-knittedness of 4g so so much..(>.<)..

just spoke to leo on the is the first day of the long 5 weekdays of work leonard..sigh..can't wait for 14feb to come..sure chop chop gonna enjoy ourselves alot again..looking forward to it baby..mwackx..

gonna cook my lunch for tmr alrd..JIAYOU ZIWEI!!JIAOU LAOGONG!!
we'll survive this long but fast 5 days well..wo ai ni..xD..


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